Saturday, March 1

Swabeng Random Thoughts Part 9

1. Its been more than 6 months since I posted my last Swabeng Random Thoughts. A lot of things have come and go through last year that I wasn't able to do some updates.

2. Last month was pretty much busy for me that I wasn't able to do any updates in this blog for the month of February. I mean, no posts and not even drafts were made last month.Well its my fault that I didn't allot even an hour a day for this. My bad. Hopefully, I could get go on this and finish my zero backlog. 

3. This year, I started browsing through several financial blogs that has something to do with investing and mutual funds. I realized that I myself wanted to be financially independent not just for my future but for Marien's future as well.

4. Also this year, I decided to hit the road and do some morning walks (jogging). Though it's still a long way for me, I know I'd be able to lose some weight and be able to hopefully join a 3K, 5K, 10K or even a 21K run in the future. 

5. I'm still trying to adjust my eating habits as I'm so far good at limiting my rice intake for the day. I just need to fine tune some fat intake and limit cola to almost nil. 

6. However, my biggest obstacle so far is forum hopping that keeps me from being productive. I must resist temptation but how? XD

7. I'm looking forward to this year as a challenge and face it head-on

And now this concludes my first post for the month. XD

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