Monday, May 28

DPP's 6th Anniversary Event: My Third

Last Saturday, I was able to attend DPP's 6th Anniversary Event. It was my third straight year to attend this event that is dedicated to photographers by photographers and DPP.

I arrived at BGC at close to 8:00am as I noticed that the registration line wasn't as long as the first time I attended two years back. Some of my friends were already there ahead of me as they arrived earlier. During registration, I bought some shirts as a souvenir that I attended their event. I bought 3 black shirts for me to possibly replace my old ones. I had breakfast first at Jamba Juice as the first talk starts at 10:00am.

With the schedule of seminars and open shoots that we got, I know we had our hands full. The only problem I see with having 2 talks is that its hard for you to choose which one to attend especially if you like to learn more and attend both.

In-between, I tried taking some interesting snapshots as to sharpen my skills in photography (I'm still far from being an amateur =P). From beautiful people to unexpected moments, I was able to capture most of them.

Had lunch with friends that had us skip some good talks and open shoots. Anyway that's our way of giving chance to others though we've missed the groupshot for the second time as well as some of the free lectures and openshoots XD.

By afternoon, My friend and I had some snacks at Jamba Juice while waiting for the sun to set down. We took some more snapshots later in the afternoon though I wasn't able to attend some lectures anymore.

By night time, there were free drinks c/o Bacardi to keep our spirits alive and kicking. I still manage to take a few more snaps as the live judging was going on as well as throwing away prizes (literally) to the audience.

I left the event at around 11:00pm as I felt so tired after staying there for the whole day. My only thoughts here are with more openshoots for attendees, I'm sure they're pretty happy but it divides their time between attending lectures and open shoots. For me, I prefer attending lectures then take some pictures which I did but with some of them happening at the same time, Its hard to choose which one to go to.

Pictures to follow soon. XD

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