Thursday, March 25

Left Overs

Current Mood: Pissed

This afternoon, I went to Harrison Plaza to see my mom and get some things that I need. I arrived there at past twelve noon and I am running late then. We took our lunch at the newly renovated Max's Restaurant since other fast food restaurants were filled with people (lunch). As we were seated by their crew, I noticed some tables that they were filled with different kinds of food yet they don't look like they're hungry. And after a while, some people have already left the table and I noticed lots of left overs just wasted. I mean these left overs are still presentable if they would be able to re-pack it properly. If you'd ask me, if they would give it to me, I'll eat it since the food is still edible. My mom really felt bad about it but she told me to finish my plate. And so I did. Well every time I eat, I make sure my plate is clean except if I am really sick. But anyway, I hope these people would either, have their left overs repacked and give it to others or just finish it. ^_^

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