Thursday, April 29

My First Month with Greif

Current mood: Simply Happy

Why? Because I got my first paycheck in almost 8 months (I haven't got my backpay from my previous company yet XD). This would really boost my confidence and my desire to work harder so that I could get paid and even ask to stay longer with the company. The feeling was overwhelming that I acted like a kid with lots of money in my pocket. But, the test would be how to stretch my budget since we only get our pay every end of the month. I know its hard but I know I can take on this challenge.

How am I doing at Greif? Well I'm still in the learning curve. I have to admit that its not that easy to learn the process within a month or even less. Similar to what I do as a Tech Support before, work here is less stressful. There are times that I had my handsful since I'm still under training but I still have 5 more months to learn the ropes on how an IT Helpdesk work.

For now, I'll enjoy the moment of being PAID again. XD

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